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Discuss.Fantom.Digital 👻🗿

What is Discuss.Fantom.Digital?

This project is a collabarative effort between the developer of textbase.js and I. Created with React.js, Next.js, and TailwindCSS, this site facilitates crypto discussion around the Fantom Blockchain. This site accepts cryptocurrency through web3-smartcontract interaction, the transfer of money is executed by smart contracts which are audited for security purposes. A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. This site is a community forum first and currently is going through a closed-launch to a small group of users.

Future plans?

Currently the vision is to develop this forum much further beyond what it is today: integrated payment systems, powerful marketplace features, reputation systems, developed user-groups and roles are a few things on the internal list. For now it is a unique space to share your thoughts, meet people, and make money!

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